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Steve Paul / Heal & Create / StevePaulSounds 

Musician, producer, training as sound healer, 100 Voices Project, 360 music videos, animator, game designer, artist.

Offers an adaptable service, Heal & Create, using sound healing instruments, and offering a wide range of

other creative collaborations in music, video, virtual reality, animation: playing, recording and producing.

Offers commissions and music sync for screen.

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Heal & Create 

Heal & Create is an ambitious development of Steve's service WeCreate.

Steve offers a wide range of services for all ages for everyone, with a specialism in helping people with conditions such as Asperger's syndrome and ADHD. 

Heal & Create also offers collaborating or producing music with or for musicians at early stages of their career.

Steve is training to be a Sound Healer, so can work using sound healing instruments, traditional instruments and music technology, for listening, playing, songwriting and recording.


Other opportunities can be the focus or combined with the music, such as 

making videos, learning and creating animations, using virtual reality for making art, animation and 360 VR videos, and learning other creative software.

One aim of the service is to create pieces of music and videos that have positive messages or bring healing to the service user and/or others.

When creating music, you can work from a music project with all Steve's best music inside to use as starting inspiration.

Sound healing is a natural, gentle, non-invasive form of vibrational energy medicine, using instruments such as crystal singing bowls that you can see in the picture.

Heal & Create aims to link up with charities in the future, and sell the music created with a goal of having the music placed in TV and film.

Please visit the in development Heal & Create page, so far on the WeCreate website.


StevePaulSync and original music

Steve's original songs, remixes and collaborations available for sync in films, TV and select advertising.

Please visit StevePaulSync page

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StevePaulSounds YouTube Channel

Steve's YouTube channel has recently been expanded and revamped into neat categories, where you can see his best original songs, covers and remixes, 360 films, animations, video mash ups, a short film. The channel also includes a section with vegan and environmental activism.

Visit Steve's YouTube Channel


100 Voices Project - Is Everything Going To Be OK?

Steve's 2017 project with 100 singers including Brit Award nominees, UK number 1 artists and a world famous comedian, now features a 360 Video and supports one charity, World Wildlife Fund.

Listen, download, watch and donate here


Xavier Keys & Steve Paul - As I Don't Remember The World

A 2 part, 10 minute journey spanning multiple genres. 

This collaboration between Steve Paul and emerging Neo-Classical pianist Xavier Jameson is arguably Steve's best work yet. Made over 9 months, the last month was made in isolation across 2 homes, with both artists summoning deep memories of planet Earth.

Listen, download, and watch here



In 2018, Steve began to explore the world of making 360 Virtual Reality Videos. He has made 10 of these so far and has many more in the works. Please contact Steve if you would like to commission him for a 360 video. He will be selling custom made 360 viewers on his site soon so you can view his videos


Watch Steve's 360 videos here.

Request a 360VR Video

(video is 360: you can scroll on desktop, move phone around you or insert into VR headset)

For artists looking to make a video, see examples below in the 360 Video Showreel


Visit for commissioned iPad portraits.


Commissioned iPad Portraits


360 Video / Music Sync / WeCreate / StevePaintsDigital

100 Voices Project - Is Everything Going To Be OK?

Steve's 2016 production with 100 singers now supports 1 charity, World Wildlife Fund.

Video is 360 VR: Use headset, scroll around desktop or move phone around you

100 Voices - Is Everything Going To Be OK - StevePaulSounds360VR

Steve's 2016 charity project,

is now in virtual reality.

(for the best experience, learn more on the 360VR page.

To watch here, and wave the phone in the air, download YouTube app before tapping on video below)

Download the free Vimeo app to watch this video in 360, moving the phone around you or inserting into a mobile headset

Please donate below

to download the 4 track EP 

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Steve's Featured Content

Steve's Recent Highlights

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  • Wix Facebook page
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  • Wix Twitter page
  • Soundcloud Classic
  • Bandcamp
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