An Epic Charity Song Produced By Steve Paul, Called "Is Everything Going To Be OK?"
Buy 100 Voices And Donate To 5 Charities
Stream below, and please donate
Download 100 Voices (Is Everything Going To Be OK) from your computer and donate to 5 charities
You can also pre-order future remixes and alternate versions on download, CD or Vinyl and even request your own tailor-made mix. You can choose to donate to just one of the charities, including others chosen by the singers. Everything wlll be OK and clear on your computer.
On iPhone you may need to tap YouTube in the bottom right corner if the video is not loading. Sorry about this technical fault.
Sorry - Downloads only work reliably on computers - not iPhones and iPads. You should download on your computer and transfer from there, or search for the song on iTunes or Google Play Music.
Complete the form below on Android or your computer only - iPhones and iPads do not support downloads - to donate and download or pre-order CD or Vinyl.
The donations will be shared between the 5 charities listed or you can choose a charity of your choice.
£5 or more for the song and instrumental.
£10 for all future downloads of remixes and versions,
£20 to pre-order CD or vinyl with future remixes and versions.
£75 to request a tailor made version from Steve where you choose the music.
Choirs for people affected by homelessness
World Jewish Relief - East Africa Food Crisis
British Jewish community’s international humanitarian agency.
Jewish community's response to extreme poverty worldwide
Caring for people with cancer
Complete the form below to donate and download or pre-order CD or Vinyl.
The donations will be shared between the 5 charities listed, unless you select the dropdown box to donate to specific charities.
Please donate generously by choosing Custom Amount.
Not available on iPhones and iPads. You can go to iTunes instead.
Available on iTunes, YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and can be Shazam'd!
Please contact Steve if you have any questions, or if you want to request a tailor made mix where you choose the singers and instruments or if you want to remix the track yourself.
Thanks for listening to the 100 Voices Project